
Airports + Drones = ?

By 21. October 2019 No Comments

Once people think about drones in the context of airports, the majority would probably see them as a security threat. But there is also a reverse of the medal. One of our alumni has conducted research on this promising topic and gave a guest lecture for our students. Andreea Perca, Aviation Management alumna and air navigation engineer working in a consultancy company, has introduced her innovative research project on application possibilities for drones at airports to Aviation Management students.

Ms. Perca transparently presented her research purpose, methods, data collection, and analysis. She also gave an overview of potential fiends of use as well as obstacles – both security-related and legal. It was fascinating to discover that there is a big number of potential – or already functioning – application possibilities for drones at airports, from inspections and condition monitoring to wildlife management and marketing. However, this topic is a very complex one, not only due to numerous factors that need to be taken into consideration when new technologies are introduced at airports. Since airports are very security-sensitive and a lot of processes need to be adapted in case drones should be used for different purposes, a few years might pass before the drone technology will be widely used at airports.

Still, Ms. Perca’s elaboration on this topic has shown that drones have a lot of potential in the airport environment and might in the long run help to make them more secure and efficient.