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WIT Theme Day 2017

By 3. April 2017 June 25th, 2018 No Comments
Beim WIT-Thementag wurden Studiengänge und der Alumniverein vorgestellt, darüber hinaus fand ein fruchtbarer Austausch zwischen den Anwesenden statt

In 2016, the Wildau Institute of Technology has for the first time extended the annually offered master thesis workshop for students by organizing a networking event for students and alumni. This year, we were aiming to continue this tradition.

Our Theme Day was opened by Prof. Dr. Thomas Biermann who welcomed the students to the master thesis workshop. Prof. Biermann emphasized the importance of theoretical knowledge and academic writing skills for the final phase of the studies. After the introduction, John Paul O’Donoghue, lecturer at the Technical University Wildau and the WIT, gave a content-rich presentation specifically designed for WIT students in order to provide them with all the tools needed for writing a master thesis. Mr. O’Donoghue gave some advice about how to find a good topic, how to conduct research in an efficient way and demonstrated a few examples of good scientific work. Also, he shared some ideas on how to tackle the thesis project in a well-structured and targeted way. After this insightful presentation, the students were asked to discuss their ideas and topics in small groups. Due to the workshop structure, it was possible for students both to receive theoretical essentials on how to write a thesis and participate in an interactive process of peer-learning.

The networking event after noon was attended by two alumni of us. Stefan Ludwig, our alumnus and CEO of our alumni association AIRLINK is working in the field of passenger processing and services. Ulf Klose, a civil engineer with a long experience in airport construction, was already actively involved in AIRLINK activities before his graduation. First of all, Stefan introduced the alumni association AIRLINK to the students and explained the goals of the organization, its needs and plans for the future. Afterwards, Stefan and Ulf shared their experience and their views on the future of airports and the aviation industry in general. Their short presentations lead to long and profound debate. In the course of the vivid discussion, different topics were dealt with – from passenger handling through to reasons for the major delay in the Berlin-Brandenburg Airport construction. And of course the important topic of the future career perspectives for WIT graduates in the context of the aviation industry in the state of flux was addressed.

The Theme Day 2017 was not a mass event, it was however rich in substance and offered our students interesting and useful academic and practical insights. We intend to establish the Theme Day as a networking event connecting our students and dedicated alumni. Additionally to the master thesis workshop, we are eager to expand the substantial programme of the Theme Day and try to keep it as relevant and topical for our students as possible.